Privacy Policy

    Update 07-sep-2022
    Subscription Instructions and Conditions at W GYM:
    • The conditions outlined below, in addition to the instruction manual issued by the High Jump Woman’s sort center ( W GYM) “the Company” from time to time, are the conditions that govern the relationship between the Member signing this application and the Company; furthermore, the Member must also abide by all Company’s regulations written in this application as well as the instructions stated on the Company’s interior signs and the administrative circulars that may be issued by the Company in the future. The Member acknowledges that any communication issued by the Company is an integral part of these conditions, and the Member accepts and adheres to them without any objections.
    • The required age to join W GYM have a minimum age requirement of 18 years.
    • The regulations, customs and traditions prevailing in Saudi Arabia must be respected and taken into consideration.
    • Members must use access devices/fingerprints to enter the club except employees and disabled members. In case of non-compliance, company has the right to deny the access to club.
    • The Center has the full right to set or change the working times as deemed appropriate.
    • The member is responsible for his personal belongings in the duration of his stay in the Center, and the management would have full authority to open the locker and remove remaining items or personal belongings in daily basis. Without any responsibility held to the management and the member bears the value for changing the lock.
    • The member must pay due care and attention to his own safety and the safety of others and follow the instructions the coach during the workout; the company does not assume any responsibility relating to the occurrence of any injuries to the member (God forbid) or his loss of any personal belongings inside the center.
    • The company reserves its right to close any facilities at the center, without prior notice and without any liability to the company. The temporary or permanent closure of the center does not mean loss of benefit.
    • The member must disclose any health problems to the Coach/ MC before doing any physical activities, and the member assumes full responsibility in the event of his non-disclosure of any information on his health condition accurately.
    • The subscription amount value at the center High Jump woman’s sport center (W GYM) is not refundable after payment.
    • Marketing campaigns may reach the member through e-mail, and the offers and the latest news will be sent to the member via SMS.
    • The W GYM is entitled to cancel the subscription without paying any compensation to the member in the following cases:
    1. If a membership is used by any person other than the subscription holder.
    2. If the member misbehaves or disturbs the members and did not adhere to the instructions and regulations of the center.
    3. If the member commits a verbal or physical assault against any of the center’s staff.
    4. Promotion of any commodities or products within W GYM center.
    5. Provision of any relevant personal training service; as this service is only limited to the coaches of W GYM within the personal training.
    6. Giving any of the trainers or workers at the center any money or gifts in kind.
    • Prohibitions that should be avoided by the member
    1. Smoking is strictly prohibited inside the center and the playgrounds or on the stands, and it is also forbidden to bring in food and drinks.
    2. It is not allowed to workout unless wearing full and appropriate exercise clothing including proper sports shoes. It is also forbidden to wear flippers, cotton t-shirts or shorts when using water areas (swimming pool, Jacuzzi, sauna, and steam), and it is also forbidden use the pool or the Jacuzzi before showering.
    3. It is strictly forbidden to drop or throw weights in the Gym or to take them out of the Gym, all weights must be returned to their proper place after use in the Gym. Members must take due care of the Company’s property and use all equipment with care and consideration. The Member is fully responsible for damage to any equipment as a result of misuse.
    4. Exercise during a power cut is not allowed. In the event of power loss, the member must stop exercising immediately and safely exit the workout area. Members are not permitted back into the Club or workout area until advised by the Centre Manager on Duty. This is for all members’ safety.
    5. It is forbidden to pay any amounts or in-kind gifts to coaches or workers at the center, and the member bears sole responsibility for paying any amounts to coaches for any reason.
    6. It is strictly forbidden to introduce or market hormones and steroids of different kinds at the center, and the coaches or workers of Fitness Time are not allowed to sell nutritional supplements such as proteins and others, and steroids such as growth hormones and others. In this case, the Center’s Management must be informed about the existence of this violation.
    7. It is prohibited to bring visitors and children to the center.
    8. No photography inside the center.
    9. Not allowed to bring yor bags inside GYM
    • The member agrees that her photo and fingerprint will be taken in order to activate her subscription and saved in the fingerprint device only to be used for the purpose of verifying the subscriber's data when entering the club.
    • The member must receive a receipt voucher or invoice for any amount he paid, and it is the only document approved by W GYM.
    • It is not allowed to engage in physical activity on the treadmills for those weighing over 150 kg, and it is replaced by running around the track, or as directed by the responsible coach.
    • In the event that the Centre is closed for any reason the member will be received a period equal to the period in which the center has been closed will be added to the member’s subscription.
    • The member is not entitled to claim extra days if a service or facility is unavailable or under maintenance.
    • The member is not entitled to object to the number of Members inside the center.
    • The membership can be Transfer or Freeze according to the rules and suspension conditions followed in WGYM.
    • It is forbidden to renew the subscription anyone who violates the terms and conditions of this agreement.
    • Subscription activation begins immediately upon payment of the subscription price. Or at the date agreed upon by the subscriber and management.
    • W GYM shall be not held liable for any delay or failure in performance of any part of these Terms from any cause beyond our control and without our fault or negligence, such as acts of God, acts of civil or military authority, current laws and regulations and changes thereto, embargoes, epidemics and any spread of infectious diseases, war, fires, explosions, earthquakes, nuclear accidents, floods, power blackouts, volcanic action, other major environmental disturbances, unusually severe weather conditions, acts of hackers and other illegal activities of third parties. inability to secure products or services of other persons or transportation facilities. or acts or omissions of transportation or telecommunications common carriers.
    • For each type of subscription, there is a number of free days for freezing according to the type of subscription, and they are added to the subscription when used. If the free days of freezing are not used, they cannot be claimed or added to the subscription, and it is not possible to freeze for previous days

    Declarations: By signing/accepting this consent form, I confirm the following:

  1. When performing any physical activity in the last month, I have not experienced any chest pain.

  2. I do not suffer and have not been diagnosed from any heart condition that will restrict my physical activity.

  3. I do not ever faint, get dizzy or lose balance.

  4. I do not have insulin dependent diabetes.

  5. I do not know of any other reason that would prevent me from exercising or increasing my physical activity.

  6. I do not have high blood pressure or a heart condition in which a physician is currently prescribing a medication.

  7. I have not had any surgery in the last six months.

  8. I do not have any skin disease (infectious or non-infectious).

  9. I do not feel pain in my chest when performing any physical activity.
  10. I do not have any burns or skin deformation.
  11. I have not been pregnant in the last six months. (If you have any of the above. you should ask a physician for medical clearance with recommendations regarding proper physical activity) Informed Consent for Physical activity I hereby voluntarily give consent to engage in physical activity and that I am responsible for monitoring my own health and physical condition throughout physical activity and should any unfortunate symptom occur, I will stop my participation and inform the trainer of the symptoms. In consideration of being allowed to participate in the physical activity, I hereby state that I will not hold WGYM, its employees and the club responsible for any health claims, suits, losses or damages arising out of my own gross negligence. I hereby give my consent to engage sports and physical activities without medical clearance. Your acceptance of the above terms and conditions shall be an electronic signature and/or (text message) and/or payment of the amount and/or the issuance of an invoice for the service which is identical and identical to the written signature on the subscription application form.
    1. Terms and Conditions for Membership Waiver:

    2. waiver does not mean sale, and all remaining benefits and only those remaining for the subscription will be transferred to the assignee (such as number of freezing days and other benefits).

    3. A request must be submitted to the club management at least 24 hours before the assignment to obtain approval.

    4. The type of subscription must not include any discounts or promotions.

    5. The two parties must be present for the waiver process.

    6. Waiver cannot be accepted more than once.

    7. Pay an amount of 500 riyals, including value added tax, as administrative fees for the waiver.

    8. It is not possible to waive the subscription for an active member in the club

    9. The club is not obligated to find clients to waive the subscription.

    10. Terms and Conditions for Upgrade :

    1. Subscriptions are upgraded based on the offer originally sold.

    2. The upgrade price will be calculated based on the basic subscription price

    3. when requesting an upgrade the difference is paid at the reception desk and an official invoice is issued.

    4. Membership can be upgraded within 30 days from the date of subscription.

    5. The price of the upgrade will be calculated based on the basic subscription price

    6. Upgrades in offers will be dealt with individually according to the terms and conditions of the offer.

    7. There is no upgrade in monthly subscriptions.

      Freezing terms and conditions:
    • The number of allowed freezing days for subscriptions, the allowed freezing period, and the number of freezing times as follows:
    1. 12-months subscription: 60 days freez , 10 days less interval freeze ,renewal 6 times.
    2. 6-months subscription: 40 days freez , 10 days less interval freeze ,renewal 4 times.
    3. 3-months subscription: 20 days freez , 10 days less interval freeze ,renewal 2 times.
    4. 1-month subscription: 5 days freez , 5 days less interval freeze ,renewal 1 time.
    • A request must be submitted to the club management (an official email - or filling out a freezing form - or a message from the mobile phone registered with the subscription) at least 24 hours before the freezing to take approval and activation.
    • The member is not entitled to claim the value of the remaining freezing days at the end of the subscription.
    • Fees may be imposed for freezing membership in certain cases determined by the administration.
    • It is not possible to activate the freezing retroactively under any circumstances.
    • Pregnancy is not considered a medical condition that calls for freezing the subscription, so it will not be suspended on this basis.
      Terms and conditions for renewal:
    • You must sign after each session. There should be a minimum of 24 hours prior notice of any cancellation for any Personal Training sessions as they are all non-refundable.
    • - Every personal training package must be signed in a new contract, the maximum limit for each contract is 64 sessions.
    • each personal training session must be signed on time , -no prior signing for any session is allowed. (It will be considered as an executed session in this case)
    • *All training sessions must be completed before the expiry date of the contract, which is specified according to the following terms:
    1. First Package:eight (8) personal training sessions for forty-five (45) days Price (1725) riyals including VAT.
    2. Second Package: sixteen (16) personal training sessions for seventy-five (75) days Price (3220) riyals including VAT.
    3. Third Package:thirty-two (32) personal training sessions for one hundred and eighty(180) days Price (5750) riyals including VAT.
    4. Fourth Package: Sixty-four (64) personal training sessions for three hundred and sixty-five (365) days Price (10672) riyals including VAT.
    5. In the event of an unexpected absence of the responsible trainer, W GYM will provide an alternative trainer to complete the session and you have no right to object to this nor claim any compensation.
    • - If you miss a scheduled appointment or make a cancellation within less than 24 hours' notice, you will be charged for the scheduled training session and you have no right to object nor claim any compensation.
    • All payments for Personal Training sessions are non-refundable and you have no right to object to this nor claim any compensation
    • It is not allowed to change this contract to any other subscription provided in W GYM nor give it to someone else for any reason.
    • The duration of each Personal Training session is sixty (60) minutes under this contract. (no extended time is accepted for any reason).
    • By signing this contract, you abide by all the rules and policies of W GYM where the center can amend from time to time without the need to notify the participant in writing
    • You must commit to the scheduled sessions, W GYM does not take any responsibility towards any delay or cancellation for any session according to the terms and conditions of this contract, and you have no right to object nor claim any compensation.
      Declarations and pledges:

      participant must declare and adhere to the followings:

    1. Participant takes full responsibility for her own health and well-being and endures she has no medical issue that prevents her from performing the program or using any facility in the center. W GYM does not provide any consultation or medical advice that are related to her physical or health condition or her ability to use any facility at the gym or any service provided in the Personal Training program prior to signing this contract. Participant needs to consult a doctor about her health and fitness prior to participation in the center and deliver any personal training services
    2. . In the event of any health or medical issue, impediment, or symptom that will cause a limited use for the center facilities and the Personal Training services, full fees of this contract will be paid and the participant has no right to object to this nor claim any compensation.
    3. The participant is aware and committed to the terms and conditions of this contract in a manner that does not conflict with what is stated in this contract.
    4. Using the facilities of the center or the Personal Training services that may cause injury whether by the participant or any other reason, the participant absolves the center from any responsibilities as a result of any injuries, or damages, whether physical, material, moral, or other, that may occur as a result of using the center's facilities or personal training services for any reason whatsoever.
    5. The participant must compensate the center for all expenses, amounts, losses, and others as a result of any lawsuits, claims or others by any party against the Center due to any damages, injuries, or others caused by the participant or related to the participant.